This year, following on from its introduction last year, the Scottish Nationals are being run using a different set-up to the traditional weekends run by each club. Instead, there are a number of tasks that can be flown throughout the year, with pilots accumulating points for any tasks attempted. The winner will be the pilot with the highest score at the end of the season (31st October).
Eligible flights must be submitted by 30 November.
The competition is open to all however is aimed at lower-airtime pilots as an introduction to XC / competition flying. For those more experienced pilots (so-called Sky Gods), helping and coaching would be much appreciated, and may even be sporting to not enter their flights.
Each of the 5 Scottish clubs has 2 home tasks, therefore 10 tasks, and there is an extra one along the Ochils. Another extra task has been added for the Strathenry Cup sponsored by Graham Tydeman, flying from Bishop in Fife (at the time of writing in March we are still trying to get an entry method for this last one on the Nationals website).
Scoring is 1000 points for completing the task and a straight percentage for a non-completed task (ie 500 points for getting halfway).
A 10% bonus is available for attempting / completing a task set by a club that is not the pilot’s main SHPF club, again as a percentage of the distance of the task flown. This is to encourage travelling to fly with other clubs. There is no bonus for the Ochils task or the Strathenry Cup (which already has the incentive of a cup and bottle).
Tasks can be flown multiple times, with the best flight for each task counting for the pilot’s final total.
Only weekend flights will be scored (Saturdays and Sundays) but you can obviously practice on other days.
The Strathenry Cup competition is for any day of the week, but only weekend flights count towards the Nationals.
Due to site restrictions Wingbeat have changed their two tasks. They are both now from Witchie Knowe, one heading NE to Earlston and the other NW to Biggar.
The Nationals will run from 01/03/2024 through to 31/10/2024.
To enter your flight, go to Scottish Nationals 2024 event on Click on the task you have flown and select the “browse” button by the Upload Flight to enter your track log igc file.
Note that if you wish to enter your flights into the UK / SHPF XC League then you must do so separately via the website.
The tasks do not need to be declared in the pilot’s instrument for the Nationals. Your track log needs to be an igc file and will score as long as there is a track point within the cylinder around the start point and you fly along the route. A track point is then also needed in any subsequent turn-point or end cylinder to score to that point.
The flights need to comply with the UK XC League rules, i.e. keeping clear of any airspace that you are not allowed to fly in. If you wish to score a declared flight in the XC League then you will need to enter into your instrument the start point, the turn point for the out and return tasks, and the end point. The 400m radius circles are for the declaration and you need to have a track log point in any of the circles around the turn points. Note that XC League multipliers are not applied for the Nationals as the scores are points-based on a completed task. You can however get them if you enter the flight into the XC League.
The Tasks
Tasks and flights can be found on the Scottish Nationals 2024 event on
Click on the task and you can download files to put in your GPS or upload your flight igc file. For the Nationals you do not need to have the route in your instrument as a declaration, though it will help with navigation.
The tasks are:
- AHPC: Morrone to Aboyne (40km)
- AHPC: Tap O Noth to Cullen (38km) (the club has offered to pay for the ice cream of anybody who makes it to Cullen and buys one there)
- Highland: Five Sisters out and return, from above the Cluanie Inn, along to near Shiel Bridge and back (26km)
- Highland: Creag Meagaidh to Kingussie (32km)
- SMPC: White Corries to Crianlarich (30km)
- SMPC: Aberfoyle to Killin (32km)
- LLSC: Broughton to Stow (34km)
- LLSC: Tinto to Moffat (33km)
- Wingbeat: Witchie Knowe to Earlston (24km)
- Wingbeat: Witchie Knowe to Biggar (33km)
- Ochils: Out and return from Dumyat to Yetts o Muckhart and back to Dumyat (35km)
- Strathenry Cup: an 18km tour round Bishop & the Lomond Hills, set by Graham Tydeman, who is supplying a cup and prize for the first completion each year.
I hope everyone has fun with this and see you on the hills.
Matt Church
SHPF Nationals Coordinator