The LoA has been re-instated with effect from 25th November 2022. There is now a new procedure, involving a mandatory Telegram group, to use the LoA. The new procedure for operating this is detailed below. Please ensure you read, understand and follow this.
- Hillend and Pentland Hills are inside controlled airspace.
- These sites can only be flown with permission from Edinburgh air traffic control.
- A Letter of Agreement (LoA) exists between Edinburgh NATS and the Scottish Mountain Paragliding Club.
- The LoA defines the limits of the areas that can be flown, and the procedures for requesting permission.
- The LoA is only available to members of the SHPF.
Moorfoots is a popular soaring site in uncontrolled airspace below the Edinburgh CTA. To facilitate XC flights from the Moorfoots, a zone now including the Moorfoots ridge itself – providing additional vertical clearance – has been agreed as part of the same Letter of Agreement.
Letter of Agreement
If you are a member of SHPF (i.e. a member of one of our associated clubs), you have access to the Hillend, Pentlands, and Moorfoots Letter of Agreement.
The password for the agreement should have been provided to you by your club, or you can request it from your club’s committee. See the clubs page for contact details.
The contact number for Edinburgh ATC is 0131 348 4828.
The LLSC website maintains up to date information on Hillend landing areas.